Monday 9th September 2024

Hope Harbor advises college students to beware of the “Red Zone”


Jennifer Moonsong/ WCLU News

Do you know what the  “red zone” is?

It’s the period of time after college students return to campus in late summer, until early November, when there is methodically an increased rate of sexual violence on college campuses.

Research shows that as much as 50% of campus sexual assaults happened during this time each year.

Hope Harbor, Inc. of South Central Kentucky , a sexual trauma recovery center, has some tips for students who are back on campus:

  • Bystanders matter, always bring friends.
  • The conscience of who you allow in your life, boundaries, matter outside of sexual scenarios. Do not tolerate Ripa jokes, or victim, blaming
  • Know your limits and be assertive about what you

Also, according to the sexual assault prevention campaign, never walk alone, be aware of your surroundings, and do not trust people you do not know well, including friends of friends and friendly acquaintances.

For more information visit the Hope Harbor Facebook page.
