Thursday 26th September 2024

Deer season driving tips from KSP


Jennifer Moonsong
WCLU News Director 

The Kentucky State Police have released a timely reminder for Kentucky drivers, as deer season is underway, and deer are responsible for a lot of Kentucky car wrecks. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration there were at least 3,285 deer-related crashes in Kentucky last year.  There were also numerous injuries and three deer related fatalities.

Here are some safe driving tips from KSP:

  • Be Aware: Be on the lookout for deer crossing signs throughout the state.
  • Slow Down: Reduce your speed while traveling through an area prone to deer.
  • Never Veer from Deer: Sudden sharp turns could place a driver in the path of oncoming traffic or cause your vehicle to strike a fixed object, such as a tree or utility pole.
  • Herd Awareness: Deer travel in groups. Motorists who see a deer cross the road should immediately anticipate that additional deer could enter the roadway.
  • Timing Is Everything: Deer are most active at dusk and dawn when your vision is most compromised. Additionally, deer are on the move during mating season (between October and January).
  • Buckle Up: If a collision is unavoidable, hitting the deer is often safer than swerving. Wearing a seatbelt is your best defense during a crash and is also the law.


