Dry Ridge, Ky. (July 10, 2020) — The Kentucky State Police, Post 6 in Dry Ridge, has documented a number of people who have reported being contacted and solicited to purchase items on social media platforms or by phone.
The solicitor typically targets elderly people by showcasing items well below market value, and later requests payment by gift cards. This is a scam! If it sounds too good to be true, it often is.
Our best recommendation is to treat EVERY solicitation call or encounter as a SCAM until proven otherwise. Research the actual market value of the item and do not attempt to purchase unless it is in person, or through a credible, secured online payment platform.
Scams come in various forms and are ever-evolving. As a guide, here are examples of warning signs from potential scams:
1) High pressure sales or frequent calls.
2) Immediate decision (You must act NOW; no time to decide or research).
3) Request a credit or debit card or any banking account information.
4) Offer to send someone to your home or to overnight something.
5) Something for free.
6) Unresponsive to questions or too quick to answer by cutting you off.
7) An investment without a risk (Every investment holds some form of risk(s)).
8) Will NOT provide written information or references (Maybe hangs up on you when asked for written information or other forms of authenticity).
9) Request payment in form of apple gift card.
10) Imitating law enforcement to request payment for citations, bail money, etc.
If you are contacted by a suspicious source that is unfamiliar to you, do not feel pressured to engage or respond. Contact your KSP Post or local police.