Jamie Bewley Byrd, Republican candidate for Barren County judge executive, speaks to a crowd gathered at the Ole French Restaurant in Glasgow on Wednesday, Oct. 27, 2021. Byrd announced her candidacy for the judge executive’s office in the upcoming 2022 election.
GLASGOW, Ky. — Jamie Bewley Byrd announced her candidacy for Barren County judge executive during a press conference Wednesday held at the Ole French Restaurant.
Byrd was surrounded by several family members and friends during the announcement. Her 91-year-old grandmother was also in attendance.
Richard McClard, chairperson of the Barren County Republican Party, spoke to the crowd about his position in recruiting Republican candidates for office. He aimed a jab at incumbent judge executive Micheal Hale before he introduced Byrd.
“Tonight, I will present to you one of the most qualified candidates that we’ve had in some time for the judge executive’s office,” McClard said. “Particularly for the last seven years where there has been a total lack of leadership.”
The candidate graduated from Barren County High School in 1999 and moved to Western Kentucky University and the University of Kentucky. Byrd is a licensed engineer, according to a news release from her campaign.
“I’m very excited, but I know this process is going to take a lot of hard work. That’s why I need you all,” Byrd said. “This will not be an easy process nor anything that happens overnight. It’s going to take a team effort.”
Byrd plans to file next week and begin her campaign efforts thereafter. Election filing opens Nov. 3 in Kentucky.
Byrd and her family live in Lucas. Alongside her husband, Daniel, the couple has four children: Shelby, Sydney, Saylor and Sawyer.
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