Guy Turcotte attends a political announcement event for Barren County judge executive candidate Jamie Byrd on Wednesday, Oct. 27, 2021. Turcotte has filed to run for sheriff of Barren County.
GLASGOW, Ky. – Former Glasgow Police Chief Guy Turcotte filed his candidacy papers Friday to run for Barren County Sheriff.
Turcotte filed as a Republican candidate. He received his law enforcement training in Florida and established his career there before moving to Kentucky.
The former chief has worked with Glasgow Police for several years. He was appointed chief of police in 2011, but he later resigned when Dick Doty won Glasgow’s 2014 mayoral race.
“Because Doty ran on a platform of fiscal responsibility and integrity with the police department, Appellant assumed that Doty would terminate him as Chief of Police when Doty took office,” according to a Kentucky Court of Appeals historical narrative.
Doty defeated Rhonda Trautman in the 2014 General Election. Turcotte resigned Dec. 30, 2014, and Mayor Trautman appointed him to the position of Lieutenant Colonel of Support within the Glasgow Police Department.
He was never given job duties or responsibilities. The Glasgow Police Department’s budget allotted salaries for three officers, including the chief, major and a lieutenant.
Doty appointed James Duff as interim chief upon entering office, and Turcotte filed a lawsuit May 27, 2015. The lawsuit claimed Turcotte was not given any supervisory duties despite his position as the second highest ranking officer. He also said Duff made defamatory statements about him.
The lawsuit, which was decided in Barren Circuit Court, ruled in favor of the City of Glasgow. The suit was sent to an appellate court and was defeated again.
Courts reasoned through a summary judgement that Turcotte could not prove Duff made defamatory statements, and Trautman’s appointment of Turcotte to the lesser position was a title appointment only. It was up to the new mayor to assign duties to Turcotte, but he never did because another individual held the position.
Former Glasgow Police Chief Guy Howie provided Turcotte with information on Oct. 8, 2018 regarding a change to his job title. It was changed to patrol officer. He refused to acknowledge the personnel status form, and he filed suit again in Barren Circuit Court.
Turcotte reasoned he was improperly demoted and denied notice and a formal hearing when disciplinary action was taken against him. He also said his right to engage in free speech on a matter of public concern was violated.
An appellate court affirmed Oct. 9, 2020, the Barren Circuit Court’s conclusion that Turcotte was unable to produce any evidence that he was subject to a disciplinary action. The courts also affirmed the change in his title was due to a restructuring within the police department.
In other legal cases, Turcotte continues to be named in a lawsuit involving the death of Jeremy S. Marr. Turcotte was the first responding officer the morning Marr died.
The Estate of Jeremy S. Marr named other Glasgow Police officers and the City of Glasgow in the wrongful death suit. Nothing has bene filed since May 17. A drafted order to dismiss the suit was filed, but a judge has not entered the order.
Incumbent Sheriff Kent Keen and Republican Charles Bunch are the other candidates to have filed candidacy papers for Barren County Sheriff. The filing deadline is Jan. 7, 2022.