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Brandin Bartley (R) – Barren Co. Magistrate District 1 candidate

By Kenneth Rizo May 11, 2022 | 8:57 AM
Brandin Bartley, a Republican candidate for Barren County Magistrate District 1, faces two others – Shannon R. White and Jeffrey C. Botts – in the May primary election.

Editor’s note: All candidates in Barren County, aside from constable candidates, were extended an opportunity to share information about their campaigns and answer questions from WCLU News. Candidates were given several opportunities to conduct those interviews in a studio and on camera. Some candidates had scheduling conflicts. Those candidates were then provided the opportunity to answer questions sent to them via email. Candidates not accounted for in WCLU News’ 2022 primary election coverage have chosen not to participate.

Written responses are published as they were received, aside from formatting and font changes. The responses were not otherwise altered.

Content is sponsored by HVAC Services and Walbert Trucking.


  • Describe yourself and some of your history, paying attention not to discuss your candidacy.

My name is Brandin Bartley. I have lived in Barren County my entire life. My wife and I are  raising our children here. I have been a carpenter and contractor 30 years as well as growing up on a farm. As a contractor, I communicate with a variety of people on a daily basis. I enjoy this aspect of my job and I enjoy talking to people in our community. I am confident that my experience with working with our community and understanding budgets. I am committed to serving neighbors and friends of our community.

  • Why are you running for this office? What’s the most important aspect of your campaign?

I have lived in Barren County my entire life. I feel I can bring stability and reliability to this community I am committed to serve my neighbors. I promise to make careful choices regarding  decisions for Barren County and its residents. I will be deliberate in decision making attempts to be conservative and efficient in spending.

  • How would you describe your leadership style?

I am not afraid to stand up for what is right,what is best for our community. I will make my email and phone number available to, you and I sincerely hope that you will contact me.

  • How could the Barren Fiscal Court and magistrates better interact with constituents?

I believe transparency is the key. Being active and approachable in the community is very important. Being well informed and prepared for court meetings.

  • What are the biggest issues, in your opinion, facing Barren County the next four years? How do you plan to contribute to solving or advancing these issues’ solutions?

I feel the budget is the most important responsibility of fiscal court. Our finances need to be kept in check. In talking with neighbors across Barren County road maintenance and unwarranted spending. I know we have a large county but I believe I can work with fellow magistrates,the judge executive to ensure stability in this county.

  • As one of three Republican candidates, what makes you the most qualified?

I promise to be approachable on any issue in my district and county. I will be deliberate in decision making and stand up for what is right,what is best for our county.

  • Is there any information you would like to mention not mentioned in these other questions?

I wish to ask for your help in becoming 1st District Magistrate. We live in a beautiful community, a community we are proud of, a community people love. Our magistrates have a very important role and must have the best interests of the citizens of Barren County in mind always.