GLASGOW — The following property transfers were recorded in Barren County from May 9 to May 13, 2022. Tax information is not reported when money is not exchanged. Such instances include foreclosures, master commissioner deeds, divorce settlements and transfers made within a family.
May 9, 2022:
Bobby A. Garmon and Samantha Garmon to Fred E. Gompper III, .894 acres, Dripping Springs Road, $205,000.
Zack Kender and Gail Kender to Evan M. Lee, .428 acres, Peters Creek Road, $75,000.
Rebecca A. Gibson to Rebecca A. Gibson Irrevocable Trust, Lot 12B (P6/333), Dugantown Estates.
Stephen A. Garrison to Mary K. Garrison, three parcels, Barren County.
Martha J. Owen to Tanya L. Slayton, .698 acres, New Salem Road, $228,000.
Timmy D. Middleton to Jeanette Middleton, 1.0 acre, Whitney Woods Road.
Stephen M. Williams to Robin Gray and David Gray, Tract with Easement, Tompkinsville Road, $2,000.
Devin Geralds to Mack Emberton, Sue Emberton, Jason Jennings and Christy Trulock, 1.0 acre, Franks Mill Road, $140,000.
Daniuele Heater to Tiffany A. Dunn, .300 acres, Forrester Road.
Nathan M. Layton and Sarah M. Layton to Carrie A. McKiernan, two parcels (P16/948), Barren County, $216,000.
May 10, 2022:
Randy Harston and Melanie Harston to John Smith and Sharon Smith, 241.089 acres (multiple parcels), Barren County, $1,742,400.
James T. Jones and Jackie Jones to Jacob J. Troyer Jr. and Elizabeth E. Troyer, two tracts, Potato Cave Road, $75,000.
Jeff Laird to Jason Watson and Kim Watson, two lots (P14/25), Green Creek Estates Subdivision, $28,000.
Ross M. Anglen and Rachel M. Anglen to Mark R. Pierce and Elizabeth J. Pierce, two tracts, Barren County, $23,000.
Daniel Ribera and Susan V. Ribera to Marilyn Eschenbaum, .74 acres, Bristletown Hills Road, $295,000.
B Bar B Farms Inc. to Rickey C. Gossett, 2.014 acres, Carden Road, $227,400.
May 11, 2022:
Jerri D. Clark to Claycomb Investments LLC, 1.991 acres, Oakhill School Road, $80,000.
Kylene Newton and Kevin Newton to Joseph E. Ford and Katja Ford, 4.835 acres, Highway 63, $335,000.
Larry T. Glass and Larry T. Glass Irrevocable Trust to James Brinkerhoff and Betty Brinkerhoff, Lot 11 (P15/339), Dean Subdivision, $15,000.
Robert Burton Sr., Sandra Burton and Bobby H. Richardson (Trustee) to Bobby H. Richardson (Trustee) and Robert L. Burton Sr., Multiple Tracts, Boatman Road, $20,000.
Alex D. Jessee and Ashley D. Jessee to Kasaundra Coffey, .329 acres, Cleveland Avenue, $125,000.
Donna Holley to Carl B. Haydon and Daisy A. Haydon, Lot 79 (P6/604), Northside Estates, $148,500.
Stephen L. Waggoner and Melanie Waggoner to Harris Subway Endeavors LLC, Lot (2,774 square feet), North Public Square, $120,000.
Darleen Greever, Tommy F. Greever, Jeanie Morgan and Kenneth E. Morgan to Billy A. Courtway and Tydashia T. Courtway, Multiple Lots, Green Acres Drive, $96,000.
Sandra Poynter to EPV LLC, Multiple Lots (P20/19), Beverly Hills Subdivision, $560,000.
Blevins & Blevins LLC to Tanner G. Bull and Winter R. Decker, .632 acres (P21/612), Barren County, $194,900.
George R. McDaniel III to Tiffany C. Ballard and Trevor N. Walker, Lot (20,876 square feet), Old Bowling Green Road, $184,000.
May 12, 2022:
Hometown Manor Assisted Living Community LLC to Hometown Manor Glasgow LLC, two parcels, Professional Park Drive, $559,000.
Joseph K. Skaggs to C&J Ventures LLC, Multiple Tracts, Highway 90, $284,350.
Charlotte Davis to Heather D. Clements and Boyd H. Davis, .573 acres, Hollis Thomas Road.
Darlasue K. Jackson, Darlasue K. Roach and Marlon Jackson to Jonathan Taylor and Destinee Taylor, Lot 3 (P11/629), $425,000.
Larry Glass and Charlotte D. Glass to CGA Holdings LLC, Lot 15 (P15/769), Sporran Way, $91,247.50.
Highlander Properties LLC to Steve L. Roberts and Holly C. Roberts, 1.339 acres (Lot 26), Dunedin Way, $62,000.
LMS Pedigo Farms LLC to Beth R. Page, .458 acres (Lot 6), Bale Avenue, $197,000.
May 13, 2022:
Barbara J. Tessler to Barbara J. Tessler Trust, .230 acres, Highlander Park.
Pie de La Loma Properties LLC to Gerold W. Cole and Tracy Cole, .35 acres, South Morgan Street, $149,000.
William M. Newberry and Carol A. Newberry to John Newberry, Tract 4 (P15/79), Barren County, $137,500.
City of Glasgow to Ply-Tech Corporation, 30 acres, Industrial Drive.
Mason Hunt and Savannah Hunt to Monica Arriaza and Ever O. Arriaza Mazariegos, .9 acres, Glover Hills Lane, $12,000.
Brian Cito and Elizabeth Cito to Orby Martin and Nellie Bell, two lots (18 & 19 Block C), East View Park Subdivision), $18,000.
Lorne N. Saltsman and Erin L. Saltsman to Willard Or Lee Ann Bragg Enterprises LLC, two parcels, Jimseon Way, $115,000.
Lorena Steenbergen to Jeremy L. Lile and Amanda Lile, .889 acres, Old Narrows Boat Ramp Road, $35,000.
Stuart A. Williams and Sherry L. Williams to Jeremy L. Lile and Amanda Lile, 38.35 acres with exceptions, Hudson Mill Road, $200,480.
Donald R. Hazellief and Diane M. Hazellief to Jordan S. Phillips and Hayden W. Phillips, .82 acres, West Matthews Mill Road, $230,000.
Roger Walker and Connie Walker to Brandon Bragg, Lot 21 (P15/769), Tarten Glen Project, $5,500.
H.B. Dearman Jr. to Robert B. Cooper, .533 acres, Wedgewood Drive, $219,000.