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Barren Co. Property Transfers – Week of June 13, 2022

By Kenneth Rizo Jun 21, 2022 | 9:56 AM

GLASGOW — The following property transfers were recorded in Barren County from June 13 – 17, 2022. Tax information is not reported when money is not exchanged. Such instances include foreclosures, master commissioner deeds, divorce settlements and transfers made within a family.

June 13, 2022:

James R. Thomas IV and Alexis B. Thomas to Noah D. McGuffey and Lacie K. McGuffey, $235,000.

Burns Realty LLC to Logan T. Grissom, Multiple Lots, Fox Trot Subdivision, $17,000.

Dustin T. Jackson and Kayla Jackson to Stoney Creek LLC, Tract, Old U.S. 31-3, $60,000.

Ty E. Bowles and Haley M. Bowles to Heather Hagan-Alford, Lot 3 (P6/344), Hutcherson Estates, $220,000.

Rachel Madden and Jason Borders to Matthew Clemmons and Jacque Clemmons, .502 acres (Lot 49), Trappers Trail, $155,000.

Burns Realty LLC to Steven Hernandez and Michael A. Davis, Multiple Tracts, Baileys Bend, $19,500.

Herman A. Gingerich and Fannie M. Gingerich to Bryant K. Green and Sonya C. Green, 6.35 acres, James Road, $75,000.

Brent M. Lowe and Erin M. Lowe to Cheryl L. Hans and Mark S. Hans, two tracts, Merry Oaks-Railton Road, $34,000.

June 14, 2022:

Griffin W. Turner and Brittany G. Turner to Keith Mills and Kristy Mills, 6.01 acres, Dry Fork Road, $230,000.

Holly L. Travis and Mark L. Lane to Janet B. Pope, Lot 1 (P2/81), Shelby Lots Subdivision, $180,000.

Matthew T. Evans to Rodney L. Sponhouse, Lot 31 (P6/370), Eastern Valley Subdivision, $205,000.

June 15, 2022:

U Stor It of Glasgow LLC to Shawboys Enterprises LLC, Tract (12,498 square feet), Cleveland Avenue, $167,000.

Glenda B. Mutter to Kentucky Tax Exchange LLC, Lot 39 (P2/17), Spring Hills Subdivision, $114,900.

Katja Matthews and Joseph E. Ford to Kentucky Tax Exchange LLC, .614 acres, Columbia Avenue, $85,000.

June 16, 2022:

John Steen and Gail Steen to Barren County, Kentucky, .061 acres, Highway 70 (Hiseville Road).

Judy Dugger to Shan Lin, Lot 26 (P6/99), Sun Valley Subdivision, $145,000.

Jadee LLC to Noel L. Potter and Dolores R. Potter, 2.653 acres, Burns Way, $27,000.

June 17, 2022:

Janis Anello to Christopher McFarland, Lot 48 (P13/309), Green Creek Estate, $250,000.

Kenneth J. Arterburn, Kenny Arterburn and Debra Arterburn to Dallas M. Schafer and Autumn D. Schafer, 2.029 acres, Roseville Road, $22,900.

Estate of Frederick R. Woodward to Seventeen Investments LLC, two parcels, Duke Street, $95,000.