January 2003
The Progress
1-9-2003- Barren County Cheerleaders win their 6th National Championship.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Neal celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary!
Temple Hill Lions Club welcomes new members, Jamie Wood, Jeff Thomas, Bobby Barrick, Betty Barrick, Elizabeth Wood, Lanos Garmon and Sandy Garmon.
T J Samson Service awards – 40 years to Freida Nuckols, 30 years to Roger Glass, Alvis York and Rosalie Jeffries.
Park City Officials are sworn in – Mayor David Lyons, City Clerk Pauline Toms, and Deputy Clerk Roy Howard.
1-16-2003- Hiseville Officials are sworn in – Mayor Bill Phillips and Sherry L Smith, Clerk.
Cave City officials are sworn in – Mayor Bob Hunt and Council members Gary Middleton, Larry Davidson, Bobby Reynolds, Donnie Davidson, Mike Houchen and Phillip Lindsey.
SCRTC Service Awards – 25 years – Larry Reynolds, Ricky Collins, Judy Flanders and Rodney Jolly.
Barren County will hold homecoming Friday, January 17th when the Trojans and Trojanettes meet Franklin Simpson.
Caverna Middle School attends 2002 Junior Ky. Youth Assembly.
Barren County Schools are closed January 14-17 due to sickness
1-23-2003 – Two CSX railcars, a tanker and a box car, derailed early Tuesday morning in Cave City.
Ronald K Harris is named Glasgow Police Chief.
Hensley Family holds get together for the family of the late Noah Lee and Hettie Conyers Hensley. 42 were in attendance.
AD – Mario’s in Cave City will be reopening January 29th at 403 Mammoth Cave Road.
Volunteer Clean Up roadside is a part of “Don’t Mess with Metcalfe County” Campaign.
1-30-2003 – Glasgow Recreation Department moves to Liberty Street in a recently renovated central Building.
Glasgow Garden Club Hostesses for January were Frances Smith, Sally Puntel, Pat Garst and Honor Settle.
State Trooper Ron Reynolds, recent graduate of the Kentucky State Police Academy, is assigned to Hart County.
AARP Tax-aide volunteers are Lowell Head, Doug Whitlow, Velma Pardue, Joyce Heinglmeir, David Clay, Ruby Smith, Mary Bowers, Rondel Norris, Marjorie Town, Loretta Wells, Sue Shank, Doris Polson and Connie Sizemore.