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Archives for June 1973

By Mark Buckles Aug 1, 2023 | 10:24 AM


The Glasgow Republican

 June 7, 1973 –

Funeral services were held Tuesday, June 5, for Mrs. Betsy Wells. She died Sunday in Louisville from injuries sustained in a car-train accident that occurred May 5 on the 31 E By pass.

Golden Wedding Anniversaries this month — Mr. and Mrs. Francis Tabor, Mr. and Mrs. Clemmie Cassidy, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Harry D Button, Mr. and Mrs. C L Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. Ferry W Hammer, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Smith, and Mr. and Mrs. William J Berry, Sr.

Edmonton News by Jasper Lincoln — Fashion Facts – Mrs. Donald McMurtrey is wearing her hair very short and straight for a Change.

Mrs. Coolie Jessie has a new permanent, also six new dresses to make and she is 80. Mrs. Musetta Wisdom has a new pink pants suit.  Mrs. Verlon Albright and Mrs. Robert Nunn have new steel frame glasses.

Miss Brenda Gayle Hunt has been named top scholar in Home Economics at WKU for the year 1972-73. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eual Hunt, Ft. Run, Ky.

53 locals receive WKU degrees among 1663 graduating. Gov. Wendell Ford addressed the class.

Eastern PTA officers for 197 74 are Mrs. Maude lsenberg, Secretary, Bobby White, 2nd VP, Milton Kistler, President, Mrs. Donna Stephens, Parliamentarian, Mrs. Frances Bastien, reporter and Mrs. Connie Pendleton, Historian.

Area Honor Students — Glasgow, Jenny Downing and Cheryl Harlow; Temple Hill, Leoma Lawson and Scarlett Wynn Richardson; Hiseville,                               Lewis Bauer and Janice Lynn Coomer; Tompkinsville, Freda Witty and  Tony Ross; Austin Tracy, Mark Durham and Rebecca Thomerson; Park City, Arlene Hester and Jo Anna Shipley.

GHS tennis player Leigh Lessenberry and his partner, Van Locke, lost to a Russellville team in the first round of the boy’s regional tournament.

June 14, 1973 –

Barren County will construct football facilities at the new Barren County High School. It will be financed by borrowing money through the sale of bonds.

Cave City News by Mrs. Ruth Savage — Mr. and Mrs. Roger Ray Shipley and family, Springfield spent last week with his mother, Mrs. Glenn Majors and Mr. Majors.

June 21, 1973 –

BCHS Cheerleaders are Teresa Jewell, Martha Nell Wright, April Bull, Melanie Waldrop, Gina Nash, Donna Barbee, Patricia Durham, Donca Shelton and Sally Toms.

Brenda Mutter is the Secretary of the Ky. 4-H organization. She is  the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E M Mutter.

Tompkinsville News by Annie Pickerell — Adam Woods, 14 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Druie Woods was thrown from a pony and broke his arm, last reports he had developed a high temperature at a hospital in Bowling Green. There is so much confusion in and around North Tompkinsville, we can’t tell it all. Much sickness, surgery, wrecks, deaths, births, weddings and more weddings.

Mrs. Ruby Estes, treasurer of the Glasgow B & PW presented Mrs. Novella Wininger, Barren County Extension Agent, a check to send 5 children to summer camp.

June 28, 1973

Glasgow Council votes to pay $11,000 for some 20  acres of property adjoining the city’s landfill dump on the old Bowling Green Road. This land will be used to enlarge the dump. Retired teacher and principal of Temple Hill High School, David Montgomery, died Thursday night at TJ Samson Community Hospital. He was 70.

Two men reportedly wearing ski masks and carrying machine guns robbed the Temple Hill branch of the Citizens Bank and Trust Co. today with an undetermined amount of cash listed as stolen.

Mrs. Esther Devore is the new innkeeper at the Holiday inn in Glasgow. Mrs. Jean Morgan has been appointed and restaurant and banquet manager.