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Barren County Deed Transfer Tax Report for the Week of August 14, 2023

By Mark Buckles Aug 21, 2023 | 4:25 PM

The following property transfers were recorded at the Barren County Clerk’s Office from August 14 to  August 18, 2023. Tax information is not reported when money is not exchanged. Such instances include foreclosures, master commissioner deeds, divorce settlements, and  transfers made within a family.

August 14, 2023

Egie Landers to Douglas Landers, 112.26 Acres- Old Glasgow- Edmonton Road.

Egie Landers to Sharon Kaye Landers Roberts, 1.105 Acres- Wildcat Road.

James R Neal & Shery Dinah Neal to Christian Marie Cross, Lot # 54 (0.437 Acres) Trappers Trail, $250.00

Hudson Capital Properties, LLC to I&S Real Estate Investments LLC & I & S Real Estate Investments, LLC, 0.185 Acres- Sunset Avenue,

Melissa Pollard to Shelbie Pollard, Lot #10 (46.889 Sq Ft)- Siddens Road.

Clara June Thomason to Chad Loren Conner, O.336 Aces ( Lot 1) West College Street.

Linda Froedge Glass & Cecil Glass to Jeffrey S Jobe, 0.280 Acres- Leslie Avenue, $70.00.

Violet M Lemons, Bobby H Richardson Trustee & Richardson, Bobby H Trustee to Violet M Lemons, Debra Evans, Bobby H Richardson Trustee & Richardson, Bobby H Trustee, 0.357 Acres- Garmon Avenue.

August 15, 2023

William E Coomes, Jr to Greg Powell, Lot 12 & 13- Timber Lodge Terrace Subdivision.

Carol Close & Carol Annette Close to The Revocable Living Trust of Carol Annette Close & Close, Carol Annette Revocable Living Trust, 31.076 Acres- Arnett Grove Road.

Cory Austin, Kasey Bybee & Kasey Austin to Patrick A Tallman & MaKenzie P Wells , Lot #104- Duke Street, $116.00.

Joyce Clifton, Barbara Portnoy, John Dalton, Jr  & Eddie Dalton to Jeremy Runyon, 1.000 Acres- Edmonds Road, $7.00.

Raymond Hishmeh & Cindy Hishmeh to Guntown Mountain Resort LLC, 18.495 Acres- Interstate #65, $68.00.

J B Enterprises of Cave City INC & JB Enterprises of Cave City INC to Guntown Mountain Resort LLC, $40.00.

Josh Roney & Scarlett Roney to The James N Wesson & Chandra G Wesson Revocable Living Trust & Wesson, James N & Chandra G Revocable Living Trust, 1.028 Acres ( Lot 13) Grimes Way, $157.50.

Dustin Lee Asher to Tina Asher, Tract ( 210 Sq Ft) Boyds Creek & Dodd Hill Road.

Francis J Derepentigny & Roberta C Derepentigny to Shannon Vance Johnson & Tina Lynn Johnson, 45. 239 Acres- Bluff Springs Road, $249.00.

Lee Ann Hodges Crowe, Lee Ann Hodges & William Patrick Crowe to Vickie L Witty & Larry E McMahan, 0.88 Acres- Edmonton & Wildcat Road, $304.00.

August 16, 2023

Bradford K Graves to Deric Childress, 2 Tracts- Highway 31-W, $55.00.

Cheryl Berry Master Commissioner, Berry, Cheryl Master Commissioner, Towd Point Mortgage Trust 2018-2, Gilbert M Emmitt, Unknown Spouse of Gilbert M Emmit, Bank of America Housing Service, Greenriver Investments LLC, Tax Brake, Ky LLC, Commonwealth of Kentucky & County of Barren to Southern Cross Estates, INC, 1.00 Acres- Dripping Springs Road.

David H Burruss & Jyoti B Burruss to David H & Jyoti Burruss Trust DTD, Lot # 5 ( 22.968 18 Sq Ft)- Skaggs Creek Road.

C & M Housing LLC & C&M Housing LLC to Marvin K Poynter,  Patricia A Poynter & Matthew R Poynter, 1.00 Acres- Highway 685, $45.00.

Patricia Garmon Testamentary Trust & Garmon, Patricia Testamentary Trust to Mike Stone & Lisa Stone, Multiple Lots- Carnation Drive, $19.00.

Carlton Botts & Anne Bruce Botts to Hunter Botts & Taylor Paige Botts, 3. 639 Acres-Veterans Outer Loop.

Will of Howard Bulle, Bulle, Howard Will & Bulle, Howard Estate to Johnny Brown & Joe Ann Brown, 4.56 Acres- New Salem Road, $100.00.

Kentucky Tax Exchange, LLC to Larry T Glass Revocable Living Trust & Glass, Larry T Revocable Trust, Lot $5- Kenwood Court.

William F Thomason to Gina S Thomason, 0.832 Acres- Leech Court.

Gina Thomason to William F Thomason & Billy Frank Thomason, Tract #2 ( 11.080 Sq Ft) – Leslie Avenue.

August 17, 2023

Ronnie Lee Jackson & Kim M Jackson to Donnie Reid Jones & Jeanetta Jones, 2 Parcels- Beechtree Hills Subdivision.

Kenneth R Ford to Brittany Bell, Lot 18- Bishop Estates, $240.00.

William Brandon Flanary & Kena Flanary to Wood Property Solutions LLC,  018 Acres- Cascade Court, $110.00.

James Wimsatt & Stephanie Wimsatt to Amy Anissa Goulbourne & James Lee Watkins, Lot 10- Ritter Chase Subdivision, $400.00.

Scott J Sweitzer, Sandra G Sweitzer, Denise Sweitzer & Sweitzer Trust Dated June 6, 2022 to K & A Real Estate Holdings LLC & K &A Real Estate Holdings LLC, 2 Parcels, Old Munfordville Road, $245.00.

Douglas R Keller & Carla G.  Keller to Noah Kingrey & Cassandra Issabelle Kingrey, 2 Tracts- Barren County, $140.00.

Wood Property Solutions LLC to Julie G Shaw, 2 Parcels- Highway 90, $185.00.

Timothy Kyle Rowe, Jessica Nicole Gray & Jessica Nicole Rowe to Jared Thomas Mattingley, 0.591 Acres Highway # 87, $100.00.

Gary D Doyel & Elizabeth Ann Doyel to Lorne Saltsman, Multiple Lots- Garmon Avenue, $115.00.

John D Dickinson, John Martin Dickinson, Elodie Dickinson, Selma Katherine Glass & Anthony Glass to Golden Gate Bridges LLC, Lot #11- Brookdale Drive, $312.00.

August 18, 2023

Larry Bunch & Linda Bunch to William Patrick Crowe & Lee Ann Crowe, 0.67 Acres- Burkesville Road, $234.00.

Kimberly Dawn Pryor to James Bastien, O.72 Acres- Barren County, $15.00.

Barry Allen Emerson & Shelia Kaye Emerson to William Jeffery Pursley, Lot #16, Beaver Point Subdivision, $30.00.

Ken Ford to Joseph  D Miles & Kaitlyn E Browne, O. 81 Acres- Beaver Point Road, $62.00.