March 2014
The Progress
3-6-2014 – Winter Storm hits the area.
National Sleep Week is celebrated by T J Samson Sleep/Disorder Center.
R R Donnelley honors employees Andy Branch, Pam Caudel and Vicky Johnson for exceptional service in their departments.
Nelda Clines and Donna & Angelo Savos are the three newest members of the Park City Lions Club.
Trojans win 15th District Tourney for the third straight year.
Lady Scotties capture the 5th District Title.
3-13-2014 – Feature story on Justin Wilkerson, Soldier of Misfortune.
Lady Scotties capture the 4th Region Championship.
Ray and Dot Cross celebrate their 50th Anniversary.
Barren County Homemakers continue the annual bean soup luncheon, keeping Virginia McCandless’ vision for women to live their lives without Ovarian Cancer.
Quilting Day to be celebrated Saturday at Barren County Extension office from 9-2.
Trojans take down Russell County in 4th Region Tournament.
3-20-2014 – A new bronze plate is affixed to the Edwin P Barlow Memorial in Glasgow Municipal Cemetery by Korean Veteran W S Everett.
Barren County Community Education will host their 11th annual Art Fair and the SCKCC.
Top Participants in Junior Achievement Penguin Shuffle 5K Run were Jacob Scott, P J Pethalsky, Shannon Bryan, Cary Morris, Destini Brewer and Kori Thomas. Marcus Kingrey was crowned Grand Penguin Shuffler and Izzy Parks was the youngest participant.
Barren County Drama Club presents “The Phantom of the Opera”.
Nick Stephens is inducted in the 5th Region Athletic Hall of Fame.
GHS’s Clay Thistlethwaite signs with University of the South Sewanee to play football!
3-27-2014 – National Boys and Girls Week is celebrated in Glasgow/Barren County.
Lions charter new Lions Club in Barren County in late February. The club meets the 1st Tuesday of each month at 6 at Los Mariachis.
Josh Garrett, GHS Freshman, was recognized by the Academy of Engineering Advisory Board as Student of the month.
2014 BCHS JROTC Military Ball was held and crowned McKayla Humphrey and Preston McFarland as King and Queen.
Matt Boston signs to play football at WKU.
Ian Gilson signs to play football for UK.