The expected traffic impacts in the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet District 3 area for September 13 through September 20 are listed below. All work is subject to change.
Interstate 165
- A project to resurface and rehabilitate Interstate 165 in Butler County continues. Crews are milling and resurfacing the roadway in both directions from mile point 26.4 to mile point 32.8. Motorists should expect lane closures in this area. The speed limit will be lowered to 55 mph. Motorists should use caution as crews will be working close to the roadway. The project is expected to be completed by November 1.
Barren County
- U.S. 68 (mile point 0.0 to 10.0) – Crews will continue drainage work in the area.
Butler County
- U.S. 231 bridge over Green River (mile point 12.5) – The U.S. 231 bridge over Green River in Butler County in the Aberdeen community will be down to one lane during daytime hours every day next week. Bridge inspectors will be performing routine inspections. Motorists should expect delays.
- KY-70 (mile point 8-11). Mobile operations and one-lane traffic at times to complete edge line rumbles and striping.
- US-231 (mile point 5-10). Mobile operations and one-lane traffic at times to complete edge line rumbles and striping.
Logan County
- KY 3240 (mile point 0.0 to 2.1) – A resurfacing project is expected to begin next week. The project will be between Russellville High School and U.S. 68. The work is being done at night from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. Motorists should expect lane closures and delays.
Simpson County
- KY 1008 (mile point 0.0 to 6.5) – Paving in this section is complete. But some finishing work remains. Motorists should expect lane closures and delays.
- KY 100 (mile point 13.6 to 13.9) – Crews will be working on widening a small section of KY 100 in front of the Trader’s Joe facility. Lane closures are possible while this work is going on.
Warren County
- Commonwealth Boulevard – A repair project for the bridge on KY 3145 over Commonwealth Boulevard in the Kentucky Trans-Park in Warren County continues. Commonwealth Boulevard is closed near the KY 3145 and is scheduled to reopen on Nov. 15. The schedule is subject to change. A signed detour using Prosperity Road, Production Avenue, Fred Madison Road, Jody Richards Drive and U.S. 68 is in place.