The following property transfers were recorded at the Barren County Clerk’s Office from November 12, 2024 to November 15, 2024. Tax information is not reported when money is not exchanged. Such instances include foreclosures, master commissioner deeds, divorce settlements, and transfers made within a family.
November 12, 2024
Jena Pace, Les Wilkinson, Denise Wilkinson, Lee Ann Birge, Rodney Birge, William Wilkinson, Matthew Wilkinson, Amy Wilkinson, Coty Wilkinson, Haley Wilkinson Bowles and Ty Bowles to Drew Fisher, Multiple Lots- Morningside Drive. $152.00.
Nicholas Poynter & Lori Poynter to James Mason Shives & Mason Marie Shives, Lots 28 & 29- Green Field Spur, $390.00.
James Randall Meredith & Michelle Pedigo Meredith to Dennis Frausto, 2 tracts- Goodnight Road, $62.50.
Cheryl Berry Master Commissioner, Kentucky Housing Corporation, Phillip Beauchamp, Phillip Beatrice Beauchamp, Thomas Beauchamp, Selma Johnson, Kathryn Carter, Unknown Spouse of Thomas Beauchamp, Unknown Spouse of Selma Johnson, Unknown Spouse of Kathryn Carter, Unknown Spouse of Junior Beauchamp, Unknown Heirs of Junior Beauchamp, Unknown Heirs of Mary Shirley, Unknown Spouses of Unknown Heirs of Mary Shirley, Unknown Heirs of Phillip Beauchamp, Unknown Spouses of Phillip Beauchamp, Unknown Spouses of Unknown Heirs of Phillip Beauchamp, Any Person/ Entity W/ Interest in 2848 Edmonton Road, Kevin Clark, Unknown Spouse of Kevin Clark, Phillip B Beauchamp & Phillip Beatrice Beauchamp Estate to Southern Cross Estates Inc, Highway 68 & 80- Edmonton Road.
Franklin Herbert Batey & Crista Nicole Batey to Michael Todd Young, Lot # 5- Hollow Road, $230.00.
November 13, 2024
Keiley Vandergrift to Allison Ballard, Tract # 1- Beckton Rocky Hill Road, $20.00.
Estate of Virginia Preston Watson & Virginia P Watson Estate to Richard Richey & Sandra J Richey, Lot – Seay Street, $320.00.
Carrie Leianne Shockley to Donovan Scott Shockley, Lot- East Washington Street.
Robert McCann & Patty McCann to Anthony Huff & Lindsey Huff, Bardstown Road, $60.00.
Richard Land Julie H Soles Living Trust to Nevin Wengerd, Lot # 40- Highlander Estates Subdivision, $30.00.
Estate of Dorothy Foley to Timothy Jackson Scott & Janice Ann Scott, Highway # 90- Happy Valley Road, $150.00.
James Harlow Edwards III & Carey Lynn Edwards to William Jonathan Lowe & April Lowe, Lot # 19- Club House Lane, $415.00.
Steven Nathaniel Martin to Grant Watkins, Lot # 1- Beach Tree Hills Subdivision, $158.00.
November 14, 2024
Anthony S Huff & Jo Lindsey Huff to Aaron Rae Stice & Alissa Marie Stice, Lot- N Hayden Street, $11.00.
Brian Kuhr to Brian Kuhr & Amy Brumfield, Highway 252.
Donovan Scott Shockley to Jon Marc McDougan, E Washington Street, $10.00.
Diana Morgan Glass, John R Glass, Clifton Michael Morgan, Kenneth Lee Morgan, Mark Alan Morgan, Lisa Morgan & Peggy Merideth Morgan to Carlos F Taylor, Coral Hill- Lecta Road, $107.00.
Sandra L Cain to Douglas Devon Cain, McKinney Road.
Estate of Betty Ellen Harvey, Paula Harvey, Katy Elizabeth Harvey, James Wood, Elizabeth Wood, Doug Wood & Kathleen Wood to James Timothy Wood, Tompkinsville Road, $80.00.
November 15, 2024
Steven L Moore to Steven L Moore Trust, 2 lots 9A & 10 A- Bentwood Estates.
Harold Nuckols to Scott Simpson, Tract #30- Arnold Drive.
Gary Wayne Cardwell & Cheryl Berry Master Commissioner to Deanna Mae Cardwell & Cheryl Berry Master Commissioner, Tract #2- Mayhew Road.
Larry Cook to Timmy York & Mary York, Tract # 7- Ky Highway 70, $50.00.
Kelton W Scott & Connie F Scott to Matthew Dalton Cline, Dockery Heights Road, $135.00.
Pam Heath to Paul Lewis & Vickie Lewis, Barren County, $57.00.
Beau Jessie McGuire to Chelsie Taite McGuire, Tract #3- Happy Hollow Road.