Glasgow News 1
Some familiar items appear on the Barren County Fiscal Court’s Feb. 18 agenda, including the fraud alert contract and a revised contract for the lobbyist firm.
The possible approval of a revised contract with Statesmen Advisory, the lobbyist firm that the magistrates voted to table during the Feb. 4 fiscal court meeting, is back on the agenda. The lobbyist contract would have their employees focus on the proposed Ag Expo Center and the Glasgow Water Company’s water treatment expansion, which sells water to Allen County.
Total contribution from the county would be $2,000 a month, the Glasgow Water Company would contribute $2,000 and Allen County would contribute $500 a month, Barren County Judge-Executive Jamie Bewley Byrd said.
The fraud alert contract with Iowa-based Fidlar Technologies was initially discussed by the county magistrates at the Jan. 21 court meeting, but Barren County Clerk Helena Chase Birdwell asked they “pause” the contract’s approval as the clerk’s office had a pilot program it would offer at no charge to the county.
The contract would “allow subscribers the ability to have their personal/business name monitored in the Barren County [Clerk’s] Office in order to track possible fraudulent activity.” The pending approval would entail a $10,000 deposit and a fixed three-year annual maintenance and support fee of $2,500.
“Barren County agrees to participate in the…service by providing the index data required…and permitting the use of this information in order to monitor and identify…individuals’ identity only for the purpose of possible fraudulent activity,” the contract states. “Fidlar agrees not to retain subscriber’s information beyond time needed to perform [the] services unless required under another agreement.”
The full Property Fraud Alert Service Agreement can be viewed here.
In addition to those items, the magistrates are also set to approve a “Memorandum of Agreement for Multi-County Regional Projects” and seek bids for the sports complex architecture and design.
The full agenda is below:
County Judge/Executive
Approve County Monthly Financial Report for January 2025, Subject to Audit
County Attorney
Approve County Attorney Monthly Settlement Report for January 2025
County Clerk
Approve County Clerk January 2025 Fee Report, Subject to Audit
Approve the 2025 County Clerk’s Annual Maximum Amount for Deputies and Assistants at $1,500,000.00 (per KRS 64.530)
Approve County Clerk’s 2024 Final Settlement
Approve Sheriff January 2025 Fee Report, Subject to Audit
Approve the 2025 Sheriff’s Annual Maximum Amount for Deputies and Assistants at $2,200,000.00 (per KRS 64.530)
Department Reports and Committee Reports
1. Building Inspector
2. Planning Commission, Flood Plain – Kevin Myatt
3. Coroner
4. County Clerk
5. Jail
6. Parks & Recreation Department
7. Road Department
8. Sheriff
9. Administrative and Budget Committee (Meeting Canceled)
10. Building and Property Committee
11. Economic Development Committee (Meeting Canceled)
12. Emergency Management/Solid Waste Committee (Meeting Canceled)
13. Jail Committee (Meeting Canceled)
14. Parks and Recreation Committee
15. Transportation Committee
New Business
Approve Payment of Claims, as presented
Approve Transfer of Funds
Acknowledge Personnel Actions, as presented
Approve Appointments to Boards and Councils, as presented
Approve First Reading of Ordinance 693 relating to Budget Amendment 1
Approve Authorization of Judge Executive Signature for 2024 Solid Waste Annual Management Report
Approve Contract for Kentucky Fraud Alert for $2,500 per year and a $10,000 Deposit
Approve Resolution for Land and Water Conservation Fund Grant
Authorize Judge/Executive to sign Commitment Letter for Land and Water Conservation Funds
Authorize FFY 2024 Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) Non-Supplanting Certification
Authorize FFY 2024 Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) Contract
Approve Memorandum of Agreement for Multi-County Regional Projects
Approve Revised Contract for Statesmen Advisory Services
Approve Invoice from Team First Sports for Deposit of $10,000.00
Approve Invoice from Burks Auto and Towing for $9,325.30
Approve Invoice from Tri-State International Trucks of Bowling Green for $9,853.11
Approve Invoice from Pedigo-Lessenberry Insurance for $8,511.96
Approve Invoice from Clemmons Electric for $5,975.00
Approve Invoice from Thermal Equipment for $47,423.00
Seek Bids for Sports Complex Architect and Design Fees
The next Barren County Fiscal Court meeting is scheduled for Mar. 4.