Glasgow News 1
A bill aimed at addressing cell phone and social media use by students in schools is one step away from becoming law.
Kentucky Representative Josh Bray, who is joined by 11 other representatives including Barren County Representative Steve Riley, sponsored House Bill 208, which amends the Kentucky Revised Statute to “require local boards of education to adopt a policy to, at a minimum, prohibit student use of a personal telecommunications device during the school day with specific exceptions [and] include social media in prohibited material to be made inaccessible through school technology.”
After a unanimous vote in both chambers, the bill was delivered on March 14 to Governor Andy Beshear for his signature or veto.
Glasgow Independent Schools Superintendent Chad Muhlenkamp said the board did not have a policy, but each district school had policies that “limits the use.” Glasgow High School’s handbook states cell phones “are not to be visible” during the school days. Glasgow Middle School’s handbook outright “prohibits” there use during the day and specifies cell phones “must be turned off and remain in a backpack or locker during school hours.”
Schools within Barren County and Caverna schools similarly restrict cell phone use in their student handbooks.