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The sinkhole at E.P. Terry Estates in Cave City is encroaching on Head Start's playground, which has been closed since its appearance. Michael Crimmins/Glasgow News 1

Glasgow housing authority approves sinkhole contract

By Michael Crimmins Mar 20, 2025 | 10:50 AM

Glasgow News 1

Sinkhole remediation plans and the appointment of a new chairperson were discussed at the March 19 Housing Authority of Glasgow monthly meeting.

The first order of business was to fill the vacancy left by the death of Danny Gibson. With a Glasgow Mayor Henry Royse endorsement and Commissioner Glenda Yarbough’s second Randle Norris was selected to serve as the chairperson.

“Thank you for having faith in me,” Norris said. “We have a great staff [at the housing authority].”

After the unanimous consent, Norris turned the commissioners’ attention to the architectural and engineering contract proposed by American Engineers that provides for “civil site design for sinkhole remediation plan, bidding assistance [and] topographic survey” of the sinkhole at E.P. Terry Estates in Cave City. The contract is for a lump sum of $23,570.

The sinkhole is encroaching on the playground of the nearby Head Start, which has closed the playground and rendered them in “noncompliance.” Executive Operations Officer Sheri Lee said it is “an emergency situation.”

Lee said the contract did not specify a time frame in which the work would be completed. The current contract states the work will be completed “within a reasonable time, or within the…specific time period consistent with sound professional practices for similar work.”

At the suggestion of the authority’s attorney Rich Alexander, the motion was made to approve the contract assuming time frames were worked out by Lee and American Engineers.

Lee also discussed with the commissioners the upcoming Housing and Urban Development comprehensive review. Usually, Lee said, personnel from the federal department would come to Glasgow and do such things as randomly inspect some units however, due to uncertainty regarding travel funding, they are performing the review electronically.

Lee also said that, while not a certainty, it appeared that the Louisville field office would be closed; making the Atlanta office the one the Glasgow Housing Authority answers to.

In other news, the commissioners went into closed session to discuss legal matters and selected Lane and Company for their 2024-25 audit services.


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