August 1983
August l, 1983 — Poet and musician Jim Spencer, a native of Glasgow died in Wisconsin. He had a regional hit in 1978 with a disco record “Wrap Myself up in your Love”.
August 2, 1983 — John Westerfield named principal at the Bunch Six1 Grade Center.
August 3, 1983 — Glasgow Blues All Star team won the 16 team East Frankfort Kiwanis Club Invitational Baseball tournament. Team Members include Matt Alexander, Kevin Payne, Nate Allen, Chris Rogers, Mike Shirley, Joe Reeves, Rodney Norris, Rodney Henderson, Kevin Cox, and Chris Jordan. Coaches Bart Pitcock and Keith Mansfield.
August 4, 1983 — The Smurfs came to Hardee’s Restaurant complete with Smurf cake and punch.
August 14, 1983 — Mrs. Jean Peterson is named employee of the month at Watsons Department Store. Mrs. Margarine Armstrong was the previous month’s winner.
August 15, 1983 — Hopewell Baptist Church celebrates their 100′h Anniversary. Rev. F. K. Haynie, Pastor.
August 17, 1983 — Summer Shade class of 1941 held its reunion at Holiday Inn.
August 18, 1983 — Co-captain of Barren County Trojan’s football team is Greg Hammer and Jason Owen. Jerry Eubank, coach, Chip Carpenter and Joe Downs, Assistants, Lynn Simpson is captain of the cheerleaders.
August 21, 1983 — Samuel Terry, IV, recently attended the 29* General Convention of the Children of the Confederacy in Austin, Texas.
August 24, 1983 — Louise Mandrell comes to perform at a Barren County Booster event.
August 25, 1983 — Metcalfe County Hornets coach is Harold Chambers wit assistants, Larry and Freddie Harbison.
Caverna Colonels head coach is Johnny Belcher, with assistants Sam Dick and Bobby Lindsey.
August 26, 1983 – James Trigg Pace retires from Citizens Bank and Trust Co.
August 28, 1983 — Temple Hill School Homecoming set for September 3. Over 1700 invitations have been mailed.. Temple Hill became a high school in 1925.
August 29, 1983 — Seven month old Jonathan Allen Gibson of Edmonton named “Baby Mr. Edmonton”.
August 31, 1983 — Construction on the new home of the Glasgow Daily Times nearing completion. Target date of moving in is mid September.