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Kentucky Transportation Cabinet District 3 Traffic Impact Report for August 5 through August 9

By Mark Buckles Aug 5, 2024 | 8:51 AM

The expected traffic impacts in the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet District 3 area for Aug. 5 through Aug.9 are listed below. All work is subject to change.

Interstate 165

  • A project to resurface and rehabilitate Interstate 165 in Butler County continues. Crews are milling and resurfacing the roadway in both directions from mile point 26.4 to mile point 32.8. Motorists should expect lane closures in this area. The speed limit will be lowered to 55 mph. Motorists should use caution as crews will be working close to the roadway. The project is expected to be completed by November 1.

Barren County

  • KY 3600 Veteran’s Outer Loop (mile point 0.0 to 2.5) – A project to resurface KY 3600 from KY 1297 to U.S. 68 continues. Motorists should expect lane closures and delays.

Butler County

  • KY 70 (mile point 5 to 15) – Crews will be paving on this section of KY 70. Motorists should expect one-lane traffic and delays while traveling in this area. Flaggers will be present so please use caution.

Edmonson County

  • KY 70 (mile point 0.0 to 9.9) – A project to resurface KY 70 from the Butler County line to KY 259 is expected to continue. Motorists should expect lane closures and delays while paving is underway.

Logan County

  • U.S. 431 (mile point 24 to 26) – Motorists should expect one-lane traffic using temporary signals with 10′ width restriction for bridge deck restoration on three bridges within the mile points. The project is expected to be completed by August 1.
  • U.S. 68 (Mile point 8.8 to 10.2) – A preventative maintenance continues. Crews will be working on the shoulder areas and striping along the project area. Please use caution.
  • KY 1151 (mile point 5.8) – The roadway has reopened following the installation of a new culvert. Crews will still be working the area for cleanup and drainage work. Please use caution while traveling in this area.

Simpson County

  • KY 1008 (mile point 0.0 to 6.5) – Paving in this section continues. Crews will be paving this section of KY 1008 during nighttime hours. Motorists should expect lane closures and delays.
  • KY 100 (mile point 13.6 to 13.9) – Crews will be working on widening a small section of KY 100 in front of the Trader’s Joe facility. Lane closures are possible while this work is going on.

Todd County

  • U.S. 68X – A school safety improvement project for Todd County Middle School in the City of Elkton is wrapping up/ A new left turn lane is constructed and open. Crews are still working in the area. Motorists should expect lane closures and use caution while traveling in the area.

Warren County

  • U.S. 31-W – A School Safety Improvement Project is wrapping up with the bulk of it complete. The project at Bristow Elementary School on U.S. 31-W includes a new Restricted Crossing U-Turn (RCUT) to serve the school and surrounding neighborhoods.  To learn more about RCUTs, please click here to be taken to the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet’s SAFERoad Solutions RCUT webpage.
  • KY 884 (mile point 3.6 to 7.5) – A project to resurface the road from I-165 to KY 242 is wrapping up. The paving portion is complete, but shoulder work and striping remain. Crews will be working the area so please use caution.
