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Commonwealth Blvd in the Ky Trans-Park in Warren County Set for Long-term Closure

By Mark Buckles Aug 22, 2024 | 10:42 AM

A repair project for the bridge on KY 3145 over Commonwealth Boulevard in the Kentucky Trans-Park in Warren County will create a long-term road closure. Commonwealth Boulevard will close near the KY 3145 bridge the morning of Wednesday, Sept. 4 with the road scheduled to reopen on Nov. 15. The schedule is subject to change.

A signed detour using Prosperity Road, Production Avenue, Fred Madison Road, Jody Richards Drive and U.S. 68 will be in place. There will also be lane closures on the KY 3145 bridge, but that road will remain open. Message Boards have been installed to provide information to motorists about the closure.

The bridge was damaged when a large truck trailer hit the lower part of the KY 3145 bridge in September 2023. Due to the damage from the crash repairs to the bridge need to be made.