BOWLING GREEN, Ky. (Aug. 15, 2020) – A preventive maintenance project is expected to begin on a section of U.S. 31-W Louisville Road in Bowling Green in Warren County with preparation work possibly beginning next week. The actual preventive maintenance work will start once preparation is complete.
A ”cape seal” application is being applied to U.S. 31-W Louisville Road near the bridge over Barren River (mile point 14.8) to near the U.S. 31-W intersection with KY 3225 River Street (mile point 16.3). Motorists can expect to drive on loose gravel in different areas that will get smoother as vehicles drive on it. That phase of the application process will last several days to a week. Motorists should obey the posted slower speed limit while this application is in process.
An asphalt layer will be applied as the final part of the project to give the roadway a smoother, less noisy ride. Lane closures are expected along the entire route of the project. Workers will be present close to moving traffic so it is imperative motorists stay focused and use caution while traveling through the work zone. The project is heavily dependent on weather conditions so the construction timeline could change.
Pavement preservation is high priority for roads throughout the state. With reduced resurfacing budgets, these projects are being used to prolong pavement life and quality at a fraction of a full resurfacing project. When finished, the cape seal will provide an extended lifespan for a stretch of road which would need complete resurfacing within the next few years, otherwise.
Additional information is available here